What We Believe

The teachings of Jesus are at the center
of what we believe at Cornerstone.
What follows are what we would consider some pretty big deals:  

The Bible

The Bible is God’s Word to all people. It was written by human authors under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because it was inspired by God, the Bible is truth and even though it was written thousands of years ago it is still just as relevant for us today.


God exists as one being expressed in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Although each member of the Trinity serves different functions, they each possess equal power and authority. They act in concert and never contradict one another.  

The Father

God is our Father, a perfect father. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, completely worthy of our trust, unconditionally loving, and always wants what’s best in our lives. It is in Him that we live, move and exist. God is a good, good Father. He is a provider of all that He knows we need. Our Father allows all of His creation to have free will and yet He will always accomplish His will.

The Son

Jesus Christ is completely human but, at the same time, completely God. Jesus became the visible image of the invisible God. He is the only plan for bringing people who are far from God back into a right relationship with God. He lived a perfect life, so that He could be a substitution for us in satisfying God’s demands for perfection. He defeated death when God raised Him back to life again. He did this so that we can have life. Jesus is known by the name Jesus Christ. The name Christ means the anointed One or King. At Cornerstone, we look to Jesus to interpret what we don’t know or cannot understand of God.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit’s presence assures us of our relationship with Christ. He guides the hearts of believers. He works in concert with Jesus to chase, rescue, convict, and teach each person. The indwelling of Holy Spirit draws the unbeliever to Jesus and the baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers the believer to do what God has called it to. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to every believer to build up and edify the church. He comforts us in our weaknesses and He refines us to become more like Jesus.


Baptism is a word translated from a Greek word (baptizo) which simply means to be put under. It is the understanding of being dunked underwater. Baptism is an outward expression of an inner work. It is a step of obedience we take after we get saved showing we belong to Jesus. Every time the Bible tells us about someone becoming a follower of Jesus they were baptized.  

The Church

While Cornerstone is a church, it is only one expression of the church the Bible calls the Bride of Christ. Every follower of Jesus is a member of the Church, the Bride of Jesus. When one obeys the gospel they are accepted into the true Church. It is not a human institution, so Christ is the head of His Church. At Cornerstone we have a governing board elected by the Cornerstone body that ensures we strive to stay aligned with the teachings of Jesus.


At Cornerstone, we believe that the altar is a place where lives are altered. Prayer and praying for one another is the most powerful thing we have the privilege of participating in. Prayer is the landing strip for God to land on. We believe in a good, good Father who hears His children call out to Him and not one word goes unheard. We bring praise to our Father. We bring our sins to our Father. We bring our weakness to our Father. We cry out to Him in times of need where we are desperate for relationship with Him. We desperately need our Father to act in our lives and to stir His finger in our space and time.