Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Not Better, But Different

At Cornerstone we are committed to
changing what people think when they
hear the words 'church' and 'Christian'.

That doesn’t mean coming up with a new definition.
It means getting back  
to what Jesus always intended  for those two things to be.
Jesus is the Head of our church,

His word is the standard for how we live, as individuals and as God’s family,
and always for His GLORY!!!!

Cornerstone is a place where we can gather.
Together we can, with the greatest enthusiasm ever and without reservation, 
worship the Creator of this universe who is absolutely worthy of it all!

We don’t pretend to be perfect and we don’t expect you to be either.
Come as you are!  
Cornerstone Church is a place where 
we work hard not to distort the true image of God.

At Cornerstone we want each person we meet
to know that they have infinite worth and value to God.
By that we mean that there are no amount

of 'good works' you can do to earn value with God. 
Plus there are no amount of 'bad behaviors'
that you can do that take away your worth and value to God.  
He loves you unconditionally and always will. 
There is nothing you can do to get God to love you more
and there’s nothing you can do to get God to love you less.
God, the Father,  gave up something of infinite worth and value 
for every human being
when he gave Jesus up to die on the cross. 
That act gives each of us infinite worth and value. 
We did not earn it and we cannot lose it.  
Jesus also stood against the hyper religious people
who thought that embracing a religious code earned them favor with God.  
Jesus chased after the hearts of those who were cast out
and looked down upon by the religious people of the day. 
He loved them and always let them know they could be forgiven. 

At Cornerstone, we, like Jesus, seek out those who are hurting and in need of rescue. 
We work hard to create a safe place for anyone who God leads our way.

Jesus, overhearing, shot back,
“Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick?
Go figure out what this Scripture means:

‘I’m after mercy, not religion.’ 
I’m here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders.”
Matthew 9:12-13