For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

Luke 6:38..... "Give, and you will receive.
Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more,
running over, and poured into your lap.
The amount you give will determine
the amount you get back."
God is generous and so He calls us to be as well.  What we do with what He's given us
shows the world where our hearts are at
and helps proclaim the gospel.

We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.
We are blessed to be a blessing!
We simple cannot out-give God.

Ways To Give

Give Online

Use our Subsplash giving website.

Give In Person

Stop by any of our services, fill out a giving envelope and hand deliver to one of our leaders.

Mail A Check

Make checks payable to:
Cornerstone Assembly of God
400 North Avenue
Sunnyside, WA. 98944